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Flag of Honduras

Friday, February 17, 2017

Week 18

Hey guys. I just realized actually how short my letters actually are, sorry i feel bad. But, im not gonna change. Theyre probably gonna start getting shorter haha. (sorry mom and dad.) So, I used to talk about the cucaraches i killed here, i bought poisn for the house, so im at a solid 76. But, no more in my bed so thats awesome!

So this week has been odd. Theres the new schedule change and i should be going to bed at 930. but i get to bed at like 1030 cause of talking with the zl and the district. matame lol. Also training a new missinoary is different. During my training I went without a pillow, had a plastic spoon i bought my first week (that i still had up until this week) and my comp never talked. But this change, my comp likes to talk but, he took my spoon. kinda made about that. And, the other night i walked into our room and he was using my pillow. So, you could say im pretty happy hehe. The mission is super fun, it makes me think of why I would ever want to live with anyone ever again. haha. But, Its not really important, were having a good time and learning a ton.

My new comp is great in lessons. Mostly cause he listens to the people and shares his testimony any chance he gets. We were teaching this lady who is super interested in the change of life that the gospel will bring her. We gave her a Libro de Mormon and she was like, "wow, i love hows there references for scriptures in the bible, but, i dont have the bible." I told her, "Oh yeah, well get you one from a member." my comp said, "here you can have mine." I asked him later, "what are you gonna do with a bible?" He was like, "she needed it" So you could say were teaching a ton of cool people, and Im learning a ton.

THis week had some weird stuff, couldnt find people to teach and some of the reicent converts are not going to church, Like, Jordy, found him in the street huffing and drunk. So, were gonna, do something to help him. Couldnt tell you what cause i dont have the capacity to help a guy in that position but, i can tell you that with the help we have from the lord we can do everything.

Love yall

Elder Owen

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