Flag of Honduras

Flag of Honduras

Monday, September 4, 2017

Week 45

Hola everyone. this week was great, as usual. we had a ton of success and we have people who are gonna get baptised, so thats super exciting. We got 11 investigadores in church yesterday, and 9 of them were super into it and wanna learn more.

The one we brought is named Anabeli shes like 11. Shes a girl who always talks with us, and her mom, found us in the street and asked if we could take her to church so we did. And at the end of it, she loved it and had a great time. But at first it was way hard for her, she told us that she got super nervous because she has never seen so many people. (shes from a little part of our pueblo called an invasion. theres no lights or water. their homes are metal or wood shacks) and so seeing so many people was hard for her. and she freaked out about the tolit in the church. and said "that one is really different" and after that she just kinda hid behind me all day. and when we were taking the bread and water, she asked me "are you sure thats water? you drink it first then ill try it." shes super funny, and super positive. she reads all the pamphlets to her family and everything.we just have to meet with them this week and see how things are.

we also met with the Guity gamily. theyre fine, they told us how theyre not too interested, but then told us that they still wanna her more from us. so were pretty confused. but i love em so well go back and see how they are.

Ryan is doing good, ready for his baptism. his grandma is helping him to not drink coffe and to go to church and stuff. and most importantly he is really stoked to be baptised.

but thats about it. my comp is doing fine, one of his birds has died and his uncle died. he laughed and told me hes been waiting for it. i hope hes fine lol

love yall

elder Owen

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