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Flag of Honduras

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Week 24

Okay, so i had a weeeeek. haha. so there was funny things and good things. okay to start out, we had an activity in the church for people who are getting to know the church, and not a lot of people came, well on my part for other missionaries. but our investagadores didnt. but whatever, well find some people who wanna learn more about the church this week. and after the acticity a member yalled at us for not being good misssionaries and was super rude i couldnt believe it. but we just said, "hey thank for your help and stuff." lol, dude speaks english, i could have ended him, well i would have ended him. But ive changed a lot, dont really want to be mad and "end people" anymore, except for the boys talking to my sister @soph haha.

So i got to interview two people for ther baptisms this week, two kids, one is named Bivian and the other Diego. super special people, both super nervous that they wouldnt be baptized if they got questions wrong haha.

okay, so Jordy is back in his house and is on vacation from rehab. hes doing really well. But, hes going back to rehab in a month

so funny things that happened,
a dude was riding his bike and started swerving around and mad a honk noise and rode away laughing, theres a ton of crazy people here.
everyone thinks my name is raul?? Elder Owen.. raul?
my comp got super sick yesterday and threw up at a house of a member. and the dude is named oscar(hes super liberal haha) and hes studing to be a doctor right now. and just finnished studing herbal medicines. so my comp was fine. and slept in their bed for a few hours haha (familes here usually have one or two beds)

okay something a little bad, i tried to save a baby snake, and my comp said its gonna bite you and smahed its head, and i almost never wanted to eat meat again cause i felt so bad. kinda funny now, but still sad.

Sorry this looks like i just threw a ton of letters on the page, but hey im doing fine. I love the work and hanging with the hondurans.

Love yall

Elder Owen

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