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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Week 26

OOOKKAyy! what a week Holy Cow! okay, so it started out, all the misionaries of the zone slept at my house. Wow, my house has never felt so small and hot it was like 86 degrees at like 3 am. it was nuts. i slept on the floor. we made a campfire too and made somres cause a lot of the elders have never tried them. it was a good time. and the next drive we had an 2hour drive. and it was great it was throiugh forests. and i opened the window and, oh man, the fresh air and pine has never been so needed.
so I had a good lesson with Jurden. And after he started asking us about serving a mission, its cool how a person feels good and wants to share that feelingwith other people. but his mom is kinda weird so well see where this all goes.

met a dude named edwin and he really wants to know more about the church. hes muslim and from california and speaks spanich and english but, can only read in english. but he was super open to the idea of the book of mormon and Profets in this time. so well see how that goes too. he kinda muslim so you know. hah

some funny things:
i met a drunk and he started to sing opera and tried getting me to hire him as a singer and pay him in dollars haha. and when he walked away he stopped and turned around to take a pic of us, but the funny thing is that he doesnt have a camera haha.
i baptised a guy named Isrian this week , he is an investigador of the Sisters. and he says that this is the best church in the world. but i had to put him under the water three times cause he just wouldnt go down. so the third time, i just threw him down ahah.
95 cucarachas

Well its been a great week. Pray for my investigadores haha

Love Elder Owen

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