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Flag of Honduras

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Week 23

Hey Yall, hows it been going in the EE UU? Hope its good.

So this week had some things happen. First today is changes, and everyone is freaking out, but me cause im training and i still have another 6 weeks here and i want to throw up. cause im sick of it here haha. but, im still here working and im gonna have a ton of success in this change.

So first about Martha and fernando. I met them cause i contacted a house and marthas daughter was there and she was like hey come back another day so we did and there was martha and fernando. so, we taught them and invited them to read the book of mormon and to pray and to be baptized, and they were down for everything. but then she said, "ive got a question, when does church start? Fernando and i were talking and i told him last night that we needed a church and now yall are here." Cool thing but, they sometimes live in olancho so well see what happens.

And with Jurden, he was in church last week, thought it was boring (mainly because the churches here are all like concerts the pastors talk in "tounges" and play some scary music behind them and they people are moshing crazy.) and so were gonna teach him a little more, so he can understand why we worship in reverance (if yalll didnt know, for me, when i feel the Holy ghost, its usually peace. and that comes by reverance) and before his lesson with us, there were missionaries at his door from another church, and they were angry that we were there. and i was like, "look. You can teach first we'll listen, then, we'll teach and yall'll listen." and tey got mad and walked off in a huff. Jurden told me "dang that was a super cool thing to say to them" Just cool that i could be an example of the believers.

funny things,
for those of you who know Chacos are super expensive. and a member here was chillin in a pair of chacos. and i said, hey, how much did those cost, "50 Lps" (like 2 bucks) normally they like 150 or something. super cheap lol.

Theres a convert named "Jose Santos" and santos means saints. After his baptism hes started introducing himself and Jose Saints of the latter days lol

Well, Im glad im here and i can share the restored gospel of Jesus here, and i hope that yall know, That i love the lord, and the work. And the book of mormon will change your life, so read it. Its super good.

Love Yall

Elder Owen

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