Flag of Honduras

Flag of Honduras

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Week 59

hey everyone. so im doing fine. life here is good. its almost christmas, but theres not really that feeling in the streets cause all the caos. but for me its fine, im enjoying it. Im actually in one of the coldest places in The country, so im loving it. i have to buy a sweater though.

so this week was good we found so many people who were all super interested, and weve gone to some little aldeas and in one of them called to Socorro we got lost. cause well, we were obviously lost cause we had never been there before, so we just decided to get off the bus and start knocking doors. and the first door we knocked was a lady named Griselda. and dang! this lady is so stoked to hear about the gospel. she loves what we share and asked us half way through our first visit are you guys gonna come back. and dang the way the lord works is special. like we got lost in some mountains and we just said lets talk to her and turns out she really needs Jesus. miracles! wow! jaja

also we found another famly in the Puran. we just started walking and were knocking doors and there was nobody who stood out to me so i wanterd to go up into the Mountian and look around for more humbler homes and then my comp tells me, "no man, lets contact here." so we did, then we found Maira, katia, and Bryan. and they are also really positive. and at first we only taught maira (mom of bryan and katia) and then katia started listening then she said, " I wanna be baptised!" so we gotta get her married and in the water. Its so cool how God works with us. He had prepared these people for a LONG time, she didnt decide to be baptised in that moment but she had been thinking about it for a while and we got there right when she needed a little help and it seems just like it was perfect timing but its a little more than that. we were honestly amazed after finding these people because we saw how we were a little part of Gods plan. I love serving God and have never been happier.

love yall

ELder OWen

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